
Mr. Legg believe that one of the major pillars to any superpower is education. We need people who are smart. We need people who are engaged in thinking about new and wild ideas. Through radical education we will see radical individuals that do amazing things that we have never even thought to conceive. Currently, In the United States, education is not a fundamental right, it is the right of the states to solely determine the basic education; including no education. Federally the government requires that whatever the states choose to offer that it be equitable and non-discriminatory. It is Mr. Legg’s goal to make sure that education is not only introduced as a right of the people but that states are under compulsory obligation to provide a basic education to every child who is a citizen. States would continue to perform their duty in determining curriculum and funding goals just as they are now, the only intent here is to give states more authority over the education they provide while understanding that they cannot take such rights away. Click below to learn more about Mr. Legg’s view and educational reform policies.

Public Education

College Education